Apply now for the 3rd TAcc+ International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program and take your business to the next level in Taiwan! ✨
🛰️ 2025 International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program 🛰️
📌 Qualification for program application: Company established in less than 10 years
📌 Application period: From now until April 30th, 2025
📌 Focus Fields in 2025 (including but not limited to):
🚀 Communication Satellites and their related systems
🚀 Applications for Remote Imaging and Sensing
🚀 Rocket Manufacturing, Launch and Key Components
🚀 AI Application and Edge Computing
❤️🔥 Company with Flight Heritage are preferred
📌 Selected startups will be provided with the following benefits:
🪐 Access to the supply chain
🪐 Ecosystem matchmaking
🪐 Engagement with the startup ecosystem
🪐 Travel reimbursement (max. $2,500 USD)
👉 Apply NOW: https://lnkd.in/g2nq8_i
*SMESA, MoEA reserves the right to make changes to the Program and its Terms and Conditions at any time.
*If selected to participate in the 2025 International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program, you are expected to:
🪐 Join a one-month support program in Taiwan (Mid-August to September 20th, 2025).
🪐 Contribute by sharing your experiences with the TAcc+ program to help ensure its successful execution (before December 31, 2027).
🪐 Promote the program on various platforms, including social communities in your country (at least 3 posts before June 30, 2026).
即刻報名第三屆《國際太空新創來臺落地培訓計畫》 ✨
💡 加入TAcc+國際太空新創來臺落地培訓計畫,拓展亞洲太空科技市場以利開發新商機!我們邀請全球太空科技新創來臺參與專屬培訓,共同塑造太空探索的未來
🛰️ 2025國際太空新創來臺落地培訓 🛰️
📌 徵件對象:專注於衛星製造、遙測通訊應用、火箭發射、AI邊緣運算應用、新興太空技術等領域,且設立不超過10年的公司並以具有飛行履歷之太空新創為佳
📌 徵案期間: 即日起至114年4月30日
📌 來臺資源:
🪐 臺灣太空產業鏈及落地資源介紹
🪐 場域驗證及媒合會議
🪐 臺灣太空產業關鍵企業產創共創、宣傳曝光以及引薦合作夥伴
🪐 一個月基礎落地服務提供(提供最高2,500美元的來回機票補助)
👉 詳細活動資訊:https://lnkd.in/g2nq8_i