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2024 International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program Announcing Selected Startups

Thank you so much for the support and involvement of all SpaceTech startups that have participated from all over the.
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2024 International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program

Calling all SpaceTech startups worldwide: 2024 TAcc+ International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program

🌟 Join the TAcc+ International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program to enhance your partnerships and ecosystem to scale up your business.
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International SpaceTech Startup Supporting Program Announcing Selected Startups

Thank you so much for the support and involvement of all SpaceTech startups have participated from all over the world..
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Space Resources week2022

SPACE RESOURCES WEEK 2022(03 – 05 MAY)organized in Luxembourg,Registration deadline:22nd April.

SPACE RESOURCES WEEK 2022(03 – 05 MAY) The Space Resources Week 2022, organized in Luxembourg, is a 3-day conference connecting.
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110年度「先進產業策略性落實計畫」新創補助徵件申請 經濟部中小企業處為有效孕育、扶植與輔導對國家競爭力有幫助、能夠登上國際舞台的臺灣新創企業,依據「經濟部創育產業補助要點」定義之『策略性新創事業』推動「先進產業策略性落實計畫」新創補助 💡徵案領域: 1. 物聯網(IoT) 領域:未滿5年之新創企業(依經濟部中小企業處公告之新創事業認定原則)。 2. 健康照護(Healthcare)領域:未滿7年之新創企業。 💡計畫期程及補助經費:12個月以內/上限新臺幣600萬元。 (提案經費應與公司最近三年營業額經費相當或合理範圍;補助比例最高不得超過計畫總經費50%,且不得超過企業資本額50%。) 💡必要查核項目: 1. 計畫簽約後3個月內完成「林口新創園」進駐,進駐時間至少6個月。 2. 結案前完成僱用我國員工2名以上,且獲得企業合作支持(如:策略性投資或訂單等)。   💡受理方式及時間: 採『線上申請方式』,自110年7月1日至110年7月31日下午5時止,逾期不予受理。 詳細內容及公告可至計畫網站查詢
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TOP 10 of TAcc+ International Program 2021

TOP 10 of TAcc+ International Program 2021 We would like to send a big thanks to you for participating in.
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